Laboratory Basics: Accurate Lab Test Data – How to Get Them and How to Use Them
Taught by: Michael Serard & Stephanie Wilson, Eastern Analytical, Inc.
Date: October 11th
Time: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Location: Lancaster Town Hall Auditorium
Cost: $40 (Make checks payable to NHWPCA and mail to NHDES)
Lab techs with entry level background are welcome. We plan to cover everything from start up/gear up, to making solutions/reagents, meter calibration and maintenance. We will place emphasis on formal vs. informal SOP. There will be a sequence of events to the analysis for a “time dynamic” needed to perform the analysis correctly to provide accurate analysis. We will cover some of the known issues/symptoms that something is not right. Strong emphasis on documentation, whether or not the operators choose electronic or paper trail. Lastly, trending based on collection of the data. Ed credit hours (0.5 CEUs) approved for Water & WW programs.