This Thanksgiving, we can’t express enough how thankful we are for wonderful customers like you! We value your patronage, and having your support is what we’re especially grateful for this season. Our team has truly enjoyed serving you. We wanted to share our heartfelt appreciation and, as the holiday approaches, send a quick reminder regarding our schedule this November.

We wish you and your family a safe and happy Thanksgiving—and thank you for a great year!


The Eastern Analytical, Inc. Team

Thanksgiving Hours

On the topic of thanks, please keep the following dates in mind as you schedule your sample collection dates and times, especially when immediate or short hold time parameters (less than 72 hours) are needed:

  • Wednesday, November 23: No micro samples will be accepted
  • Thursday, November 24: CLOSED
  • Friday, November 25: CLOSED

Collecting and submitting your lab samples during the first three weeks of the month is recommended. Please give us a call at 1-800-287-0525 or send us an email if you have any questions or need to make special arrangements.