The Remediation General Permit (RGP) is an NPDES permit for discharges to surface waters only and covers discharges to certain waters in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the State of New Hampshire. This RGP (2016 RGP) is a reissuance of the RGP issued on September 9, 2010, which expired September 10, 2015. The final Remediation General Permit (RGP) in Massachusetts (MAG910000) and New Hampshire (NHG910000) was signed on March 9, 2017. The RGP is effective 30 days after the date of signature, on April 8, 2017. The final RGP replaces the RGP that expired on September 9, 2015.

The RGP is available for sites located in Massachusetts and New Hampshire which discharge 1.0 million gallons per day or less as a result of remediation activities from eight general categories: 1) Petroleum-related site remediation; 2) Non-petroleum-related site remediation; 3) Contaminated/formerly contaminated site dewatering; 4) Pipeline and tank dewatering; 5) Aquifer pump testing; 6) Well development/rehabilitation; 7) Collection structure dewatering/remediation; and 8) Dredge-related dewatering.

Test methods found in 40 CFR ยง136 are required for all analyses of parameters under this general permit unless other test methods are explicitly required or allowed in this general permit.

From a laboratory perspective, the most noticeable change is that EPA Methods 8260 and 8270 cannot be used for the purposes of analysis under this general permit unless approved for use in accordance with 40 CFR Part 136.5

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