We invite you to attend our free informal and informative laboratory and sample collection training session this winter. For new employees or seasoned veterans, our training offers a variety of material including pre-project planning, sample collection, sample delivery and analyses, final reporting, available resources, and more.

  • Training is held at our laboratory in Concord, NH.
  • The session begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at noon.

There is no charge for the training.

Public Water System Operators (0.2 CEUs)

Tuesday, January 7th

In addition to the nuts and bolts training, guest speaker Harrison “Chip” Mackey, with the NHDES Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau, will present information regarding PFAS and Arsenic for the Chemical Monitoring Program.

Wastewater Operators (0.2 CEUs)

Tuesday, January 14th

In addition to the nuts and bolts training, a guest speaker with the NHDES Wastewater Engineering Bureau, will be presenting (subject matter to be determined).

Environmental Consultants (3 TCH)

Wednesday, February 5th or Wednesday, February 12th

In addition to the nuts and bolts training, guest speaker Brandon Kernen, with the NHDES Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau, will be presenting (subject matter to be determined).Training material and speaker are the same for both dates.

Industrial (0.2 CEUs)

Date TBD

Training will cover regulatory sampling for discharges; NPDES, RGP, CGP Stormwater and MS4.


To register, e-mail customerservice@easternanalytical.com or call us at 1-800-287-0525 today!