This year marks our 35th anniversary.  Many things have changed since our inception in 1980.  However, one thing has not changed and that is our core purpose of combining talents and technology with professional partnerships to help create a cleaner, safer environment.  With this purpose, we established a culture that cultivates employee ownership and emphasizes our core values including honesty, integrity, commitment and responsiveness to our clients, high ethics and real-world solutions.  These values permeate all our actions and success stories.  We temper our successes with the belief that we can do better.  Without each and every one of you, our clients, partners and friends, we would not have been successful over the years.  We have worked hard to gain your respect and trust and in turn, you have bestowed us with your business.

From all of us at Eastern Analytical, Inc., we thank you!  We hope to serve you for another thirty-five years and beyond.

~ Michael Swett, President/CEO